1 In those days Mattithyahu The Son of Yocḥanan, The Son of Shim’on, a kohĕn of the sons of Yoyariḇ, came from Yerushalayim, and dwelt in Modi’im. 2 And He had five Sons: Yocḥanan, Namely; Gaddi; 3 Shim’on; called Thassi; 4 Yehuḏah, who was called Maqqaḇah; 5 Eli’ezer, called Aḇaran; and Yahonathan, …. Read More
MAQQAḆIM (MAQ) ALEF CHATER 1-The Grecian Empire Began.
MAQQAḆIM (MAQ) ALEF CHATER 1-The Grecian Empire Began. 1 And it came to be, after Alexandros son of Philippos, The Makedonian, who came out of the land of Kittim, had smitten Dareyawesh sovereign of Paras and Maḏai, that he reigned in his place, the first over Yawan. 2 And …. Read More
MAQQAḆIM (MAQ) ALEF CHATER 1-The Grecian Empire Began. 1 And it came to be, after Alexandros son of Philippos, The Makedonian, who came out of the land of Kittim, had smitten Dareyawesh sovereign of Paras and Maḏai, that he reigned in his place, the first over Yawan. 2 And he fought …. Read More