Christmas Term JSS 2 Agricultural Science, Lesson 1. Composition and Properties of Soil.
Soil is a component of the horizon of Earth. Specifically, it is a mixture of minerals, matter, and gases that support life. They contain many different chemical and physical properties. There are also many kinds of soil types in different areas of the world and different horizons. Soil is also a collection or organic and …. Read More
Jss 2 Christmas Term ,Lesson 2 Agricultural Science. Soil Formation And Type.
Lesson 2. Soil Formation and Type. How Does Soil Form? Soil formation, or pedogenesis, is the combined effect of physical, chemical, biological and anthropogenic processes working on soil parent material. Soil is said to be formed when organic matter has accumulated and colloids are washed downward, leaving deposits of clay, humus, iron oxide, carbonate, and …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School JSS 2 Christmas Term Examinations. Agricultural Science.
JSS2 Easter Term Lesson 2, Agricultural Science. Animal Feeds: Introduction.
Animal Feeds & Feeding. Feed, also called animal feed, food grown or developed for livestock and poultry. Modern feeds are produced by carefully selecting and blending ingredients to provide highly nutritional diets that both maintain the health of the animals and increase the quality of such end products as meat, milk, or eggs. Ongoing improvements in animal diets …. Read More
SS2 Easter Term Lessson1 Insurance. Agricultural and Forestry Vehicle
Agricultural /forestry vehicle is vehicle having a powerful gasoline or diesel motor and usually large, heavily treaded rear tires, used especially for pulling farm implements or machinery. It can also be described as a truck having a cab used for pulling large vehicles such as vans or trailers. It is an airplane propeller. Agricultural Commercial Motor Vechicle (Ag CMV) means a commercial motor vehicle to which all of the following apply: The vehicle is substantially designed or equipped, or materially altered from its original construction, for the purpose …. Read More
JSS2 Easter Term Lesson 3 Agricultural Science. Types of Animal Feeds and Feeding: Energy and Protein Yielding Feeds.
Basic Types Of Feeds Animal feeds are classified as follows: (1) concentrates, high in energy value, including fat, cereal grains and their by-products (barley, corn, oats, rye, wheat), high-protein oil meals or cakes (soybean, canola, cottonseed, peanut [groundnut]), and by-products from processing of sugar beets, sugarcane, animals, and fish, and (2) roughages, …. Read More
JSS2 Easter Term Lesson 4, Agricultural Science. Types of Animal Feeding : Water.
Lesson 3 Assignment. Question. 1 what are major sources of Protein and carbohydrates for animals? List out 3 each. Answer. Major sources of protein & carbohydrates for Animals are: Soucrces of protein in animals are : soya bean meals, groundnut cake, palm kernel cake, cotton seed meal, …. Read More
JSS2 Easter Term Lesson 4, Agricultural Science. Crop Or Plant Propagation.
Crop/Plant Propagation Crop or Plant propagation is the process of creating new plants. There are two types of propagation: sexual and asexual. Sexual reproduction is the union of the pollen and egg, drawing from the genes of two parents to …. Read More
JSS2 Easter Term Lesson 5, Agricultural Science. Method of Crop Propagation. Continuation.
Crop or Plant Propagation Propagating plants means making new plants for free. Gardeners can save a fortune by propagating our own plants, rather than buying new plants from the garden centre. You can propagate plants from collecting seed, taking cuttings or dividing rootballs. Some plants are easier …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School. Jss2 Easter Term Agricultural Science CA.
Agricultural Science YHWH HAMASCHIAC School. Jss2 Easter Term Agricultural Science CA. Time: 1 hour: 30 mins. 1.List three importance of farm structure. 2. What are Constitutes proteins in animals? Lis them. 3. List sources of carbohydrates in animals.
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, Easter Term, Lesson 6, Agric Science. Farm pests and diseases control.
Pests and Diseases Control, An Introduction. Introduction Wherever agriculture has been practiced, pests have attacked, destroying part or even all of the crop. In modern usage, the term pest includes animals (mostly insects), fungi, plants, bacteria, and viruses. Human efforts to control pests have a long history. Even in Neolithic times (about 7000 BP), farmers practiced a …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, JSS2 Agricultural Science Easter Term Examination 2021.
JSS2 Agricultural Science Easter Term Examination 2021. Time: 1hr:30. Instruction: answer all questions in section A, and 3 questions in …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, JSS2 Agricultural Science, Lesson 1, Spring Term. Introduction into Fishery/ Aquaculture.
Fishery or Fish Farming/ Aquaculture. What is aquaculture? Aquaculture is the controlled process of cultivating aquatic organisms, especially for human consumption. It’s a similar concept to agriculture, but with fish instead of plants or livestock. Aquaculture is also referred to as fish farming. The seafood that you find at your local grocery …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, JSS2 Spring/Third Term, Lesson 2, Agricultural Science. Uses of Fish and Fish Products.
Uses of Fish /Fish Products. Fish and fish products are consumed as food all over the world and it is a good source of animal protein. Fish and other aquatic organisms have been of a great importance to man in so many ways like we are going to discuss about below. Today, …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, JSS2 Spring/Third Term, Lesson 3, Agricultural Science. Fish Processing/ Preservation Method.
Fish Processing & Fish Preservation Method The term fish processing refers to the processes associated with fish and fish products between the time fish are caught or harvested, and the time the final product is delivered to the customer. Although the term refers specifically to fish, in practice it is extended to cover any aquatic organisms harvested for …. Read More
YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC School, Spring Term JSS2 Agricultural Science, Lesson 4. Fish Farming. – Risks Factors in Water/Fish farming.
Risks Factors in Water/Fish farming. Just as disease could break into poultry farm and destroy a whole farm, so can there be a major outbreak that could lead to great loss in a fish farm. However, Fish Farming Risks is not …. Read More
YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC School, Spring Term JSS2 Agricultural Science, Lesson 5. Classification and Uses of Farm Animals.
Classification and Uses of Farm Animals Meaning of farm animals Farm animals are the animals that are domesticated by man. The animals are kept because they are useful in many ways. Some produce milk, meat and eggs used as food. Others provide pleasure while some are used as …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC SCHOOL, JSS 2 Spring/Third Term Agricultural Science, Continuous Assessment (CA) Test, 2021: Area of Concentration.
YHWH HAMASCHIAC SCHOOL, JSS 2 Spring/Third Term Agricultural Science, Continuous Assessment (CA) Test, 2021: Area of Concentration. Fishery/Aquaculture. Classification/uses of farm animals
YHWH HAMASCHIAC SCHOOL, JSS 2 Spring/Third Term Agricultural Science, Continuous Assessment (CA) Test, 2021.
Agricultural Science, Continuous Assessment (CA) Test, 2021. Time: 2hours Attempt all questions. 1. Define the term “aquaculture.” 2. Name the four stages aquaculture/fishery production chain. 2b. explain the first stage of hatchery in aquaculture/fishery production 3. Name three ways domestic animals are or can be classified. 3b. Explain “classification according to body Morphology.” …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC SCHOOL, JSS2 Spring/Third Term Agricultural Science. Classification/Uses of Animals (2).
Classification/Uses of Animals (2). CLASSIFICATION OF CATTLE ACCORDING TO THEIR USES Cattle belong to the family of Bovine. The cattle is referred to as hoofed animal because it has two enlarged toes. A Cattle with hump is known as Zebu cattle. Those without hump are called humpless …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, JSS2 Spring/Third Term, Agricultural Science, Lesson 7. Forest- Introduction.
Forest A forest is a complex ecological system in which trees are the dominant life-form. A forest is nature’s most efficient ecosystem, with a high rate of photosynthesis affecting both plant and animal systems in a series of complex organic relationships. …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC SCHOOL, JSS 2 Spring/Third Term Agricultural Science Examination. 2021
Agricultural Science Examinations. 1. List 4 ways to manage fish pond in order 2. List three types of animal farming 3. What is forest