
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, Grade 4, Easter Term Grammar CA

Author: Vera Aigbonoga

           Grammar Time: 1hour.     1. What is a Predicate Underline the predicate/ compound Predicates in the following  sentences below: Adam lives in Bangor. Adam lives in Bangor and speaks Welsh. The telegram was late but contained exciting news. The wolves ran away and never returned. The bottle toppled and fell off the table. They need to absorb nitrogen and keep above 20 degrees.     2. Verb  tenses is determined  ….  Read More

YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, Spring/ Third Term, Lesson 1, Grade 4 Grammar: Homophones- Introduction.

Author: Vera Aigbonoga

    Class: Grade 4 Lesson topic: Introduction to Homophones.   What are homophones? Homophones are two or more words that sound the same (identical pronunciation), but have different meanings. These words are often spelt differently in English too (e.g. pear vs. pair). The term homophone comes from Greek ‘homo-’ (meaning: same) and ‘-phone’ (meaning: sound or voice), so the ….  Read More