The Study of The Hebrew GOD, named YHWH, anglicized as JEHOVAH, LORD or YAHWEH. HIS manifestation, signs and wonders in Israel and the birth of HIS SON YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC anglicised as LORD Jesus Christ.
The Presentation of YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIA- LORD JESUS CHRIST Before The GREAT YHWH At The Holy Temple.
Christmas Term, SS2 HAMASCHIAC Studies/ CRK. Lesson 3. Moses( Moshe) As A Leader: Moses Is Born
Lesson 3 Moses as a Leader. Introduction. In the Hebrew Bible, the original names of most of the biblical heroes/ prophet are not the same as the names written in the English Bible. in HAMASCHIAC school, original Hebrew names of these heroes/ prophets are used and interpreted in English language. Moshe ( …. Read More
SS2 Easter Term, Lesson 4, HAMASCHIAC Studies/ Christian Religious Knowledge. Consequences of Saul’s Disobedience.
Sh’mu’el Alef ( Ist Samuel) 15: 1-34. Saul’s Disobedience. The WORDS of the GREAT YHWH are highlighted in green ink while the acts and words of disobedience of king Saul ( M’lakhim Sha’ul ) are highlighted in red. SH’MU’EL ALEF (1 SA) 15 1 M’lakhim Sh’mu’e (Prophet …. Read More
Grade 4 HAMASCHIAC Studies -CRK, Lesson 1. The Story of Creation.
Parashah 1: B’resheet (In the beginning) 1. Genesis Chapter 1. 1In the beginning Elohim created hashomayim (the heavens, Himel) and haaretz (the earth). 2And the earth was tohu vavohu (without form, and void); and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Ruach Elohim was hovering upon the face of the waters. 3And Elohim …. Read More
Grade 4 HAMASCHIAC Studies/ CRK, 1st CA. Christmas Term
1st CA HAMASCHIAC studies – CRK, Christmas Term, Grade 4. 1. In the beginning, how was the earth when The GREAT YHWH created the heavens and the earth? 2. Who hovered upon the face of the waters. 3. What is the real meaning of The GREAT SPIRIT OF GOD in Hebrew language? 4. What …. Read More
SS2 Christmas Term, 1st CA HAMASCHIAC Studies/ CRK.
1st CA HAMASCHIAC studies – CRK, Christmas Term, SS 2. 1.In the beginning, how was the earth when The GREAT YHWH created the heavens and the earth? 2. Who hovered upon the face of the waters. 3. What is the real meaning of The GREAT SPIRIT OF GOD in Hebrew language? 4. …. Read More
Jss2 Christmas Term, HAMASCHIAC Studies- CRK, 1st C A.
JSS2 Christmas Term, HAMASCHIAC Studies-/ CRK. 1st C A. 1. What was the Angel’s message to Zechariah, the high Priest, 2. who looked for the consolation of Isreal? 3. What were his words when he finally saw Isreal’s consolation? 4. Who received BABY YHWH YESUHA HAMASCHIAC (LORD JESUS CHRIST) from HIS parents.
Jss2 Christmas Term , Lesson 4, HAMASCHIAC Studies-/ CRK. The Temptation of YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC ( JESUS CHRIST).
Lesson 4 The Temptation Of YESHUA HAMASCHIAC ( JESUS CHRIST). Then YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC (Christ) filled with The RUACH HAKODSEH ( GREAT SPIRIT Of GOD), returned from the Yarden (Jordan) and was led by The SPIRIT of The MOST HIGH GOD into the wilderness for forty days of testing by the Adversary. During …. Read More
Christmas Term SS2, Lesson 2 HAMASCHIAC Studies/CRK. GOD, The Controller Of The Universe.
Lesson 2 GOD The Controller of The Universe. Scripture: B’RESHEET (GEN) 2: 1-5. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, along with everything in them. On the seventh day The MOST HIGH GOD had finished HIS work which HE had made, so HE rested on the seventh day from all HIS …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, Jss2 Christmas Term Examination. HAMASCHIAC Studies (CRK).
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School Christmas Term Examination Class Jss2 Subject: HAMASCHIAC Studies Time: 1hr: 30mins. 1. who looked for the consolation of Israel ? 2. What were his words when he finally saw Israel consolation? 3. Who received BABY YHWH YESUHA HAMASCHIAC (LORD JESUS CHRIST) from HIS parents. 4. What is The NAME Of …. Read More
Christmas Term Grade 4 Lesson 2 HAMASCHIAC Studies/CRK. ELOHIM Gives Us HIS Law.
ELOHIM GIVES his law to US. Exodus 20 1-20 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. 1Then YHWH said all these words: א 2“I am Adonai your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the abode of slavery. ב 3“You are to have no other gods before me. 4You are …. Read More
Easter Term Lesson 1, SS2. HAMASCHIAC Studies/ CRK. Parental Responsibility: King ASA in Retrospect.
Asa is typically understood as the son of Abijam. He was married to Azubah and was blessed with children. The Story King Asa in Accordance with The Holy SCRIPTURES; 2nd Chronicle 14: 1-14. Authentic Hebrew Name: Diverei-Hamyamim Bet. chapter 14: 1-14. Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) version. …. Read More
Easter Term SS2, Lesson 2, HAMASCHIAC Studies- CRK. Parental Responsibility: King Asa in Retrospect 2.
Easter Term SS2, Lesson 2, HAMASCHIAC Studies/ CRK. Parental Responsibility; king Asa in Retrospect. 2 Parental Responsibility ; The Biblical Story of King Asa. Divrei-HamYamim Bet 2 (2nd Chronicles 15: 1-19). The Spirit of God came on ‘Azaryah the son of ‘Oded; he went out to meet Asa and said to him, …. Read More
Easter Term Jss2, Lesson 1, HAMASCHIAC Studies/ CRK. The Ministry of YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC ( LORD JESUS CHRIST): Call of HIS Disciples.
The Call of HiS Disciples. The beginning of the Good News of YHWH Yeshua HAMASCHIAC- JESUS CHRIST, The SON of The MOST HIGH GOD: 2It is written in the prophet Yesha‘yahu, (Isaiah). “See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you; he will prepare the way before you.” 3“The voice of someone …. Read More
JSS 2 Easter Term, Lesson 2. HAMASCHIAC Studies/ CRK. The MInistry of Our YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC. The Call of HIS Disciples/The Parables
The Parables YHWH HAMASCHIAC ( LORD CHRIST) taught HIS Disciples, HE Called. MARK (MRK) 4 1Again YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC ( LORD JESUS CHRIST) began to teaching by the lake, but the crowd that gathered around HIM was so large that HE got into a boat on the lake …. Read More
Easter Term SS2, Lesson 3, HAMASCHIAC Studies- CRK: Saul’s Disobedience.
Saul’s Disobedience. Sh’mu’el Alef ( Ist Samuel) 15: 1-34. The WORDS of the GREAT YHWH are highlighted in green ink while the acts and words of disobedience of king Saul ( M’lakhim Sha’ul ) are highlighted in red. SH’MU’EL ALEF (1 SA) 15 1 M’lakhim Sh’mu’e (Prophet Samuel)l …. Read More
JSS2 Easter Term, Lesson 3, HAMASCHIAC Studies/ CRK. YHWH YESHUA – LORD JESUS and HIS Earthly Family.
The Earthly Family of YHWH YESHUA’s (LORD JESUS). Luke Chapter 1. 1Dear Theophilos: Concerning the matters that have taken place among us, many people have undertaken to draw up accounts 2based on what was handed down to us by those who from the start were eyewitnesses and proclaimers of the message. 3Therefore, Your Excellency, …. Read More
SS2 Easter Term Lesson 5, HAMASCHIAC Studies/ CRK. Joshua as a Leader.
Y’hoshua as a Leader Y’HOSHUA (JOS) 1 1After the death of Moshe (Moses) the servant of YHWH(JEHOVAH, GREAT LORD), HE said to Y’hoshua the son of Nun, Moshe’s (Moses) assistant, 2“Moshe (Moses) My Servant is dead. So now, get up and cross …. Read More
DAVID’S SUBMISSION TO THE WILL OF GOD 1 SAMUEL ( SH’MU’EL ALEF) 1 1There was a man from Ramatayim-Tzofim, in the hills of Efrayim, whose name was Elkanah the son of Yerocham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tochu, the son of Tzuf, from Efrat. 2He had two wives, one named Hannah …. Read More
Jss2 Easter Term, Lesson 4, HAMASCHIAC Studies/ CRK. David’s Submission To The Will Of GOD.
DAVID’S SUBMISSION TO THE WILL OF GOD 1 SAMUEL ( SH’MU’EL ALEF) 1 1There was a man from Ramatayim-Tzofim, in the hills of Efrayim, whose name was Elkanah the son of Yerocham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tochu, the son of Tzuf, from Efrat. 2He had two wives, …. Read More
JSS2 Easter Term, Lesson 5, HAMASCHIAC Studies/ CRK. Demands of Discipleship.
Demands of Discipleship Our focus on this lesson is on Matt 8: 8-22 MATTHEW 8 1When HE, YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed HIM. 2And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped HIM, saying, YHWH, …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, JSS 2 CRK/ HAMASCHIAC Studies. Easter Term C.A, 2021
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, JSS 2 CRK/ HAMASCHIAC Studies. Easter Term C.A, CRK/ HAMASCHIAC Studies Time: 1 hour. Instruction: Answer all questions. Instruction: please note, you are to write all the names of The MOST HIGH GOD and HIS pronoun (e.g, HE, HIM, YOUR) where necessary in capital letters. Kindly note, marks maybe …. Read More