1.WHOLE NUMBERS COUNTING AND WRITING: i) Millions (ii) Billions (iii) Trillions

2.LCM of whole numbers

3.HCF of Whole  numbers

3. Fraction





Second Term



– Concept of estimation and reasons.

– Estimation of dimensions and distance.

– Estimation of capacity volumes and mass of objects

– Estimation of other things e.g. age, time, etc.

-Quantitative reasoning involving estimation.




Second Term


  1. Approximation:
  • Degree of accuracy of numbers and how to determine it
  • Rounding up of numbers, significant figures, decimal places, nearest whole numbers, tens, hundreds and thousand
  • Rounding up of numbers to nearest tenth, hundredth and thousandth
  1. Approximation continued:
  • Approximating values of addition, subtraction. Multiplication and division
  • Exercise on degree of accuracy round up numbers
  • Problems solving on quantitative reasoning
  1. Number base:
  • Counting in base two
  • Conversion of base 10 numerals to binary numbers
  • Addition and subtraction of two or three – 3 digits binary numbers
  1. Number base (Continued)
  • Multiplication of two 2-digit binary numbers
  • Problems solving on quantitative aptitude related to conversion and application to real life situation
  1. Basic operations:
  • Addition and subtraction of numbers. Emphasis on place values using spike or abacus
  • Addition and subtraction of numbers. Emphasis on the use of number line
  1. Review of first term half term’s work and periodic tests
  2. Basic operations (Continued)
  • Addition and subtraction of positive and negative integers using number line and collection of terms
  • Everyday application of positive and negative integers
  • Solving problems on quantitative reasoning in basic operations
  1. Algebraic process:
  2. Use of symbols”
  • Open sentences and authentic operations
  • Word problems involving use of symbols
  1. Identification of coefficient of terms, basic authentic operations applied to algebraic expressions
  2. Collection and simplification of like terms and the use of brackets
  • Algebraic processes (Continued)
  1. Problems solving on basic arithmetic operations in algebraic processes
  2. Solving quantitative aptitude problems on the use of symbols and brackets
  • Revision of the second term’s work and preparation for examination




Third Term


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Scheme of Work JSS1- Mathematics 3rd term





1. Reviewing of last term work, resumption test and copying of scheme of work of the term/ students
2. Plane shapes:1.      Similarities and differences between the following square, rectangle, triangle, trapezium, parallelogram and circle

2.      Perimeter of regular polygon. Square, rectangle, triangle, trapezium, parallelogram and circle

1.      Guides students to identify the similarities and differences between the following: square, rectangle, triangle, trapezium, parallelogram and circle2.      Guide students to determine the perimeter of each shape by

–          Practical method

–          Formula

1.      Identify the similarities and differences between the following: square, rectangle, triangle, trapezium,Parallelogram and circle

2.      Determine the perimeter of each shape

–          Practical method

–          Formula


Shapes of regular polygon square, rectangle, triangle, trapezium, parallelogram and circle 

Graph paper

Students to:1.      Find the perimeter of a given plane shape
3. Plane shapes such as: Squares, rectangles, parallelograms etc. 1.      Guides students to find the area of the regular plane shapesa.       Using graph paper

b.      By formula and compare their answers

c.       Relates findings area to real life situation

1.      Find the area of the regular plane shapes-          Using graph paper

–          By formula and compare  their answers

–          Relates findings area to real life situation

Shapes of regular polygon, square, rectangle triangle, trapezium, parallelogram and circle graph paper 1.      Find the area of given regular shapes2.      Find the area of irregular shapes

3.      Relate finding area to three real life situations

4. Three dimensional figure:i.  Basic properties of cubes and cuboids

ii.Basic properties of pyramids and cone

iii.                  Basic properties of cylinders and shapes

iv.                  Volume of cubes and cuboids



Area of regular plane shapes such as: squares, rectangles, parallelograms etc.

1.      Leads students to discover the properties of cubes and cuboids. Cubes: equal faces, 6 faces, 12 edges, 8 vertices.  Cuboids: equal opposite faces, 12 edges, 8 vertices2.      Guides students to determine the edges, faces and vertices of pyramids and cone

3.      Guide students to discover the properties of cylinder and spheres

4.      Lead students to derive the formula for finding the volume of a cube and cuboids

5.      Guides students to use the formula to calculate the volume of a cuboid

1.      Identify the number of faces edges and vertices of cubes and cuboids and that cubes have equal faces while opposite faces of a cuboid are equal2.      Determine the numbers of edges, faces and vertices of pyramids and cones

3.      Identify the properties of cylinders and spheres

4.      Derive the formula for finding the volume of a cube and cuboids

5.      Use the formula to calculate the volume of a cube and cuboids

Cubes, cuboids, ruler, tapes, empty carton, bricks etc. Pyramid, cone, cylinder and sphere (standard or imn) Students to:1.      Identify the number of faces and vertices of a given cube

2.      Identify the number of edges and faces of cuboids

3.      Identify the number of faces, edges and vertices of a given pyramid and cone

4.      Identify the properties of a given cylinder and sphere

5.      Find the volume of a given cube and cuboids

5. Construction:1.      Construction of parallel and perpendicular lines

2.      Bisection of a given line segment

3.      Construction of angles 90 and 60 degrees

Guides students to:1.      Construct parallel and perpendicular lines

2.      Bisect of a given line segments

3.      Construct angle 90 and 60 degrees

1.      Construct parallel and perpendicular lines2.      Bisect of a given line segment construct angle 90 and 60 degrees Plane sheets of paper and mathematical set Students to:1.      Construct given parallel lines

2.      Construct given perpendicular lines

6. Angles-          Measurement of angles, acute, obtuse, reflex, adjacent, alternate, corresponding angles Lead students to measure angles Measure some given angles Protractor, plane sheet, cardboard containing angles, pencils Students to:1.      Measure given angle

2.      Identify vertically, opposite, adjacent, alternate and corresponding angles from a given diagram

8. Angles:i.      Identification and properties of:

–          Vertically opposite

–          Adjacent

–          Alternate and

–          Corresponding angles

ii.    Identification and properties of angles at a point and angles on a straight line

Guides students to:1.      Identify and state the properties of the different types of angles

2.      Relates the angles to real life situations

3.      Lead students to identify angles at a point and angles at a point and angles on a straight line and state their properties

1.      Identify and state the proper-ties of the different types of angles from the appropriate diagrams2.      Relate the angles to real life situations

3.      Identify angles at a point and angles at a point and angles on a straight  line  and state their properties

Protractor, plain sheet, cardboard sheets containing angles, pencil, meter rule angles, charts of angles at a point and angles on a straight angles on a straight line Students to:1.      Identify the vertically opposite, adjacent, alternate and corresponding angle from a diagram

2.      State the properties of a given angles

3.      Relate angles to three life situations

4.      Identify angles at a point and angles on a straight line in given  diagram

9. Need for statisticsi.      Purpose of statistics

ii.    Need for collecting data for planning purposes, collection of data

1.      Leads students in discussing the purposes of statistics2.      Introduces   to the meaning of population, drug abuse, voter education and metal environmental education

3.      Leads students in discussing the usefulness of statistics for planning purpose

4.      Leads students to discuss usefulness of the data collected from a voter education, consumer education

5.      Guides students to apply the probability/ occurrence of chance events in everyday life

6.      Leads students to discuss the usefulness of statistics such as form drug abuse, environmental education; HIV/ AIDS etc. for prediction purposes

7.      Discuss the purposes of statistics8.      State the meaning of drug abuse, voter education and environmental education

9.      Discuss the usefulness of statistics for planning purposes

10.  Source for information from relevant agencies

11.  Mention the application of probability of chance and events in everyday life

12.  Discuss the usefulness of statistics for prediction purpose

13.  Chart of purposes of statistics14.  Charts of information on drug abuse, voter education, environmental education

15.  Usefulness of statistics for planning purposes

16.  Probability chart

17.  Chart of usefulness of statistics for prediction purposes

Students:1.      List three purpose of statistics

2.      List some situation that need data collection for planning purposes

3.      Given four examples of the application of probability, in everyday life

4.      List situations around him/ her where statistics is used for prediction

10. i.      Data collection in the classii.    Data presentation medium


1.      Guides students to collect data in the class2.      Guide students to define the median

3.      Guide students to find the median of a given sets of data such as:

*From odd numbered data

*From even numbered data

Collect data in the class1.      Define median

2.      Find the median of a given set of data

Record of students’ bio-data, marks, score sheet, dice coinMedian charts Students to collect bio-data on students with given characteristicStudents to find median of a given set of data






🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC🛐SCHOOL JSS1- Junior Secondary School First/ HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC🛐SCHOOL Term Mathematics, Lesson 2. WHOLE NUMBERS COUNTING AND WRITING- The Evolution of Numbers

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

  The Evolution of Numbers I want to take you on an adventure … … an adventure through the world of numbers. Let us start at the beginning: Q: What is the simplest idea of a number? A: Something to count with! The Counting Numbers We can use numbers to count: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc Humans have been using ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC🛐SCHOOL JSS1- Junior Secondary School 1 Mathematics. HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC/ First Term, Lesson 4 LCM of Whole Numbers.

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

    LCM of Whole Numbers         Least Common Multiple – Definition, Method, Solved Examples   A multiple is the product result of one number multiplied by another number. For example, we can get the multiples of 5 by multiplying 5 with numbers 1, 2, 3, and so on. Multiples of 5 are: 5, 10, ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC🛐SCHOOL JSS1- Junior Secondary School 1 Mathematics. HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC/ First Term, Lesson 5. HCF of Whole Numbers.

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

                                  HCF of Whole Numbers.   HCF or Highest Common Factor is the greatest number which divides each of the two or more numbers. HCF is also called the Greatest Common Measure (GCM) and Greatest Common Divisor(GCD). HCM and LCM are two different methods, where ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC🛐SCHOOL JSS1- Junior Secondary School 1 Mathematics. HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC/ First Term, Lesson 6. Answers to Lesson 5 Assignment. Introduction to fraction.

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

      Questions and Answers to Class  Home Work , Lesson 5     Find the HCF of 36, 27 and 80 Solution: Write each number as a product of its prime factors.   22 x 32 = 36 33 = 27 24 x 5 = 80 The product of all common prime factors is the HCF The ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC🛐SCHOOL JSS1- Junior Secondary School 1 Mathematics. HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC/ First Term, Lesson 7. Proper and Improper Fraction.

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

         Proper and Improper Fraction.         In Maths, there are three major types of fractions. They are proper fractions, improper fractions and mixed fractions. Fractions are those terms which have numerator and denominator. Based on these two terms we define its types. Fractions are the terms used to determine ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC🛐SCHOOL JSS1- Junior Secondary School 1 Mathematics. HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC/ First Term, Lesson 8 . Multiplying Fractions.

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

    Multiplying Fractions Multiplying fractions starts with the multiplication of the given numerators, followed by the multiplication of the denominators. Then, the resultant fraction is simplified further and reduced to its lowest terms, if needed. Let us learn more about the multiplication of fractions, how to multiply fractions with whole numbers, how to multiply improper ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC🛐SCHOOL JSS1- Junior Secondary School 1 Mathematics. HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC/ First Term, Lesson 9 . Answers to Lesson 8 Home work and Subtracting Fraction.

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

  Jss1 Lesson 8 Assignment- Multiplying fractions   2/4x ¾= 6/16     3×2/6=   2/4x ¾= 6/16     2.3×2/6= 6/6     6/5x 7/9= 42/45 Simplify the above= 7/8                                                 ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC🛐SCHOOL JSS1- Junior Secondary School 1 Mathematics. HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC/ First Term, Lesson 10. Ordering of Fractions.’ 23

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

Ordering of Fractions     Ordering fractions with the same denominator When fractions have the same denominators, they are ordered by the size of their numerators: The fraction with the smallest numerator is the smallest fraction. The fraction with the greatest numerator is the greatest fraction. Fractions can be arranged in ascending or descending order. Ascending order starts with the smallest value and ascends to the ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC🛐SCHOOL JSS1- Junior Secondary School/ 1st Term Mathematics. HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC/ First Term. Mathematics. Lesson 11. Conversion of Fractions to Percentages and Lesson 10 Home Work Answer.

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

    Answer to Lesson 10 Home Work   Ned jogged for one-third of an mile, Moze jogged for one-half of a mile, and Cookie jogged for one-fifth of a mile. Order these distances from least to greatest. Analysis:  Since these fractions have like numerators, we will compare the denominators two at a time. The ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC🛐SCHOOL JSS1- Junior Secondary School/ 1st Term Mathematics. HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC/ First Term. Mathematics. Lesson 12. Conversion of Fractions to Decimal

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

  Conversion of fractions to Decimal       The simplest method is to use a calculator. Just divide the top of the fraction by the bottom, and read off the answer! Example: What is 58 as a decimal … ? … get your calculator and type in “5 / 8 =” The answer should be 0.625 No Calculator? ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC🛐SCHOOL JSS1- Junior Secondary School/ 1st Term Mathematics. HA’YHWH 🛐YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC/ First Term. Mathematics. Lesson 13. Introduction to Prime Numbers and Factors and Lesson 12 Home Work Solution Conversion of Fractions to Decimal

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

  Class Activity in Lesson 12. Convert  1/3 to a Decimal Answer below Step 1: There is no way to multiply 3 to become 10 or 100 or any “1 followed by 0s”, but we can calculate an approximate decimal by choosing to multiply by, say, 333 Step 2: Multiply top and bottom by 333: ×333 1/3 ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐JSS1 PASSOVER.RESURRECTION- Second Term Mathematics Lesson 1.Estimation.

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

Lessons in this topic below ESTIMATION: – Concept of estimation and reasons. – Estimation of dimensions and distance. – Estimation of capacity volumes and mass of objects – Estimation of other things e.g. age, time, etc. -Quantitative reasoning involving estimation.       Introduction to Estimation   Have you ever observed the headlines of any news ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐JSS1 PASSOVER.RESURRECTION- Second Term. Mathematics Lesson 2 Estimation.Worked Exercise

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

  Solved Examples Example 1     Tia and John collect marbles. Tia has collected 335 and John has collected 442 marbles. Choose a better estimate to find the number of marbles they own together. Solution Here, a better estimate can be obtained by rounding off the digits to the nearest tens. To get an estimate of the sum, ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐JSS1 PASSOVER🛐.RESURRECTION🛐 ASCENSION🛐- Second Term. Mathematics Lesson 3. Precision – Accuracy of Numbers in Degrees.

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

    Precision – Accuracy of Numbers in Degrees.   Precision refers to the amount of information that is conveyed by a number in terms of its digits; it shows the closeness of two or more measurements to each other. It is independent of accuracy.   Precision Definition If you weigh an object five times ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐JSS1 PASSOVER🛐.RESURRECTION🛐 ASCENSION🛐- Second Term. Mathematics Lesson 4. Approximation: How to Determine Degree of Accuracy

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

  Approximation: How to Determine Degree of Accuracy . Degree of Accuracy Rounding Up of Numbers I.  Degree of Accuracy Many calculations involve measurements.  The degree of accuracy of the results of the calculations depends therefore on the degree of accuracy of the measurements. It therefore means that the degree of accuracy of measurement in a ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐JSS1 PASSOVER🛐.RESURRECTION🛐 ASCENSION🛐- Second Term. Mathematics Lesson 5. Approximation: How to Determine Degree of Accuracy: Answers to Lesson 4 Home Work

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

  Lesson 4 Home Work Activity Give each of the following correct to 1d.p and 2 d.p (a) 3.4567           (b) 35. 4782             (c) 4.2071 Solution (a) 3.4567 i.   3.5  ( 1 d.p) ii. 3.46 (2d.p) (b) 35. 4782 i. 35.5   ( 1d.p) ii. 35.48 ( 2d.p) (c) 4.2071 i.   4.2  ( 1 d.p) ii. 4.21 ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐JSS1 PASSOVER🛐.RESURRECTION🛐 ASCENSION🛐- Second Term. Mathematics Lesson 6. – Rounding up of numbers, significant figures, decimal placces,etc.

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

    Approximation :Rounding up of numbers, significant figures, decimal places, nearest whole numbers, tens, hundreds and thousand. Estimation of Numbers is an integral aspect of mathematics, and we engage in it every day. Be it estimating the bill, a person’s weight or solving a Maths problem. But of course, approximate is not good enough sometimes, ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐JSS1 PASSOVER🛐.RESURRECTION🛐 ASCENSION🛐- Second Term. Mathematics Lesson 7. Rounding up of numbers to the nearest 100th and lesson 6 Activity Solution.

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

    Lesson 6 Home Work Questions Round up the underlisted  figures to the nearest tenth. 73 389 Solution 1. To round 56.73 to the nearest tenth, we will check the digit in the hundredths place, which is 3 in this case. Since 3 is less than 5, 7 will remain the same and the ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐JSS1 PASSOVER🛐.RESURRECTION🛐 ASCENSION🛐- Second Term. Mathematics Lesson 8. Approximation.:Rounding up of numbers to the nearest 1000.

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

    Approximation.:Rounding up of numbers to the nearest Thousand     Round to the Nearest Thousand Rounding numbers means replacing the given number with an estimated value which is its simpler representation. This rounded number is an approximate value that is easier to use. While rounding numbers, we always consider the place value of ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐JSS1 PASSOVER🛐.RESURRECTION🛐 ASCENSION🛐- Second Term. Mathematics Lesson 9. Approximating on Decimal Places. And Lesson 8 Assignment Solution.

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

  Lesson 8 Solution on Class Assignment     Home work/ solutions. 3. Round 8039 to the Nearest Thousand Ans: To solve this question we have to check whether 8039 is closer to 8000 or 9000 in the counting. In this case, 8039 is closer to 8000, hence 8000 is the round figure of 8039. ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐JSS1 PASSOVER🛐.RESURRECTION🛐 ASCENSION🛐- Second Term. Mathematics Lesson 10. Quantitative Reasoning- Introduction

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

    Quantitative Reasoning- Introduction   Quantitative Reason (QR) skills refer to students’ ability to apply data and numerical evidence to theoretical questions.  Quantitative reasoning (QR) is, “the application of basic math skills, such as algebra, to the analysis and interpretation of real-world quantitative information in the context of a discipline or an interdisciplinary problem ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐JSS1 PASSOVER🛐.RESURRECTION🛐 ASCENSION🛐- Second Term. Mathematics Lesson 11.Solved problems in Quantitative Reasoning.

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

  Solved problems in Quantitative Reasoning  In an effort to develop a program to decrease the amount of sugar the people in the city of Stoneville are eating, the mayor is gathering facts about the town’s residents. He finds that the city’s population is 12,322, and that the city’s stores sell a total of 19,820 ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐JSS1 PASSOVER🛐.RESURRECTION🛐 ASCENSION🛐- Second Term. Mathematics. Lesson 13. Number Base: Counting in Base 2

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

    Counting in Base 2 NUMBER BASES In Mathematics, a base or radix is the number of different digits or combination of digits and letters that a system of counting uses to represent numbers. For example, the most common base used today is the decimal system. Because “dec” means 10, it uses the 10 digits from 0 to 9. Most people ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐JSS1 PASSOVER🛐.RESURRECTION🛐 ASCENSION🛐- Second Term. Mathematics. Lesson 14. Conversion of base 10 numerals to binary numbers. Base 10

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

  Conversion of base 10 numerals to binary numbers.     Let’s convert a base 10 numeral to a binary number. I’ll show you the working step by step. Example: Convert 42 to binary Divide the decimal number by 2. 42 ÷ 2 = 21, remainder 0 Divide the quotient (21) by 2. 21 ÷ 2 = ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐JSS1 PASSOVER🛐.RESURRECTION🛐 ASCENSION🛐- Second Term. Mathematics. Lesson 15. Addition and subtraction of two or three – 3 digits binary numbers

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

  Addition and subtraction of two or three – 3 digits binary numbers   What Are Binary Numbers     Binary numbers are like secret codes that computers use to talk to each other. Imagine you have a magical box with only two buttons: a 0 button and a 1 button. These buttons are like ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐JSS1 PASSOVER🛐.RESURRECTION🛐 ASCENSION🛐- Second Term. Mathematics. Lesson 16. Number Based: Number Based: Multiplication of two 2-digit binary numbers

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

      Number Based: Multiplication of two 2-digit binary numbers ‍ Certainly! Let’s explore the fascinating world of binary multiplication. 🌟 ## Binary Multiplication Basics Binary multiplication involves multiplying two binary numbers, which consist of only two digits: **0** and **1**. The process of binary multiplication is similar to conventional multiplication, but with a ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐JSS1 PASSOVER🛐.RESURRECTION🛐 ASCENSION🛐- Second Term. Mathematics. Lesson 17. Problems Solving on Quantitative Aptitude Test, And Lesson 16 Class Exercise Assignment

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

    Lesson 16 Class Exercise Assignment Exercise 1: Multiplying 1101 by 101 Let’s solve the binary multiplication problem:   Set up the problem: “` 1101 × 101 —— “`   Multiply each digit: – **1101 × 1 = 1101** (no shift) – **1101 × 0 = 0000** (shift one position to the left) – ….  Read More

HA’YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 SCHOOL, JSS1 HA’YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 Summer/Third Term Mathematics. Lesson 1. Revision of Last Term Work: Integers.

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

      Introduction to Integers       In Mathematics, integers are the collection of whole numbers and negative numbers. Similar to whole numbers, integers also does not include the fractional part. Thus, we can say, integers are numbers that can be positive, negative or zero, but cannot be a fraction. We can perform all the arithmetic operations, like addition, subtraction, ….  Read More

HA’YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 SCHOOL, JSS1 HA’YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 Summer/Third Term Mathematics. Lesson 2. Addition and subtraction of positive and negative integers using number line and collection of terms

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

    Addition and subtraction of positive and negative integers using number line and collection of terms     In addition and subtraction of integers, we will learn how to add and subtract integers with the same sign and different signs. We can also make use of the number line to add and subtract signed integers. ….  Read More

HA’YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 SCHOOL, JSS1 HA’YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 Summer/Third Term Mathematics. Lesson 3. Algebraic Process.

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

  Algebraic Process   Lessons in this topic👇 – Use of Symbols in Algebraic process  -Word problems involving use of symbols   What is algebraic Process in mathematics….?   Well, algebra is the  branch of mathematics that substitutes letters for numbers. We can say  it is about finding the unknown or putting real-life variables into equations ….  Read More

HA’YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 SCHOOL, JSS1 HA’YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 Summer/Third Term Mathematics. Lesson 4. Algebraic Process: Open Sentences and Authentic Operations and Lesson 3 Home Work Solution

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

  IN HA’YHWH 🛐 HA’ADONAI 🛐 SON🛐 THE GREAT🛐 NAME 🛐 OF YHWH 🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASHIACH 🛐. Please help us understand  algebraic process. AMIN and AMEN🛐 HA’YHWH🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐       Home work on quiz sectio,in Lesson 3 A woman is three times as old as her daughter. If the woman is ….  Read More

HA’YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 SCHOOL, JSS1 HA’YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 Summer/Third Term Mathematics. Lesson 4. Algebraic Process: Problems solving on basic arithmetic operations in algebraic processesLesson 4.

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

    Problems solving on basic arithmetic operations in algebraic processes   May HA’HASHEM 🛐 BE PRAISE 🛐AND EXEEDINGLY WORSHIP🛐, As We Learn  Under HIS🛐 HA’HASHEM 🛐 SHADOW 🛐 HA’YHWH 🛐 HA’ELOYIHM 🛐 IN HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐. PLEASE🙏 HA’HASHEM 🛐 MERCIFULLY 🛐 Grant Us, Your Pupil understanding IN HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA 🛐 ….  Read More

HA’YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 SCHOOL, JSS1 HA’YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 Summer/Third Term Mathematics. Lesson 6. Plane Shapes

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

            Plane Shapes   Lessons:   1.      Similarities and differences between the following square, rectangle, triangle, trapezium, parallelogram and circle       Plane Shapes A shape can be defined as the boundary or outline of an object.  A plane shape is a two-dimensional closed figure that has no thickness. A plane in geometry is a ….  Read More

HA’YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 SCHOOL, JSS1 HA’YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 Summer/Third Term Mathematics. Lesson 7. Plane Shapes Square

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho EmenikeComplexity: Easy

⁄ Lesson 7: Plane shapes such as: Squares, rectangles, parallelograms etc.      In Geometry, a square is a two-dimensional plane figure with four equal sides and all the four angles are equal to 90 degrees. The properties of rectangle are somewhat similar to a square, but the difference between the two is, a rectangle has only its opposite ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 JSS1 YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 Summer – Third Term Mathematics , Lesson 8. Perimeter of regular polygon.

Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho Emenike

  Perimeter of regular polygon. May HA’HASHEM 🛐 HA’YHWH 🛐 HA’ADONA 🛐 BE WORSHIPED AND PRAISE 🛐 Continually, As We Learn  in HIS🛐 PRESENCE 🛐 HA’YHWH 🛐 HA’HASHEM 🛐 HA’ADONAI🛐. PLEASE🛐 Grant Us all Understanding  IN HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐. Response: AMIN AND AMEN   What is a polygon? In geometry, a polygon ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 JSS1 YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 Summer – Third Term Mathematics , Lesson 9.Three dimensional figure:i.  Basic properties of cubes and cuboids .

Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho Emenike

  May HA’HASHEM🛐 HA’YHWH🛐 HA’ADONAI🛐 BE WORSHIPED 🛐AND PRAISE 🛐Continually🛐 As We Learn  in HIS🛐 PRESENCE🛐 HA’YHWH🛐 HA’HASHEM🛐 HA’ADONAI🛐. PLEASE Grant Us all Understanding  IN HA’YHWH🛐 YESHUA🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 Response: AMIN🛐 AND AMEN🛐   Solution to Lesson 8 Class Exercise      Example 2: Find the length of the side of an equilateral triangle if its ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 JSS1 YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC 🛐 Summer – Third Term Mathematics , Lesson 10.Basic properties of cylinders and shapes

Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho Emenike

  Basic properties of cylinders and shapes     Cylinder is one of the basic 3d shapes, in geometry, which has two parallel circular bases at a distance. The two circular bases are joined by a curved surface, at a fixed distance from the center. The line segment joining the center of two circular bases is the axis ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐HAMASCHIAC SCHOOL,  Jss1 YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC🛐Summer.• Third Term Maths Lesson 11.Basic properties of pyramids and cone.

Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho Emenike

       Lesson 8 Basic properties of pyramids and cone.   A cone is a three-dimensional shape in geometry that narrows smoothly from a flat base (usually circular base) to a point(which forms an axis to the centre of base) called the apex or vertex. We can also define the cone as a pyramid which has ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐HAMASCHIAC SCHOOL, Jss1 YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC🛐Summer.• Third Term Maths Lesson 12. Volume of Cubes and Cuboids

Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho Emenike

https://www.toppr.com/guides/maths/mensuration/cube-and-cuboid/   Prayer TO HA’HASHEM🛐 ON SCHOOL Lessons 👇 May HA’HASHEM🛐BEPRAISED🛐  IN Our WORSHIP 🛐.AndMay HE🛐 In HIS🛐 Infinite Mercy🛐 Remember Us, and Grant us ; both The Teacher and Students Ability  to understand this subjects, as HE🛐 Teaches Us all through Our teacher, In HASHEM 🛐 HA’ADONAI 🛐 SON 🛐 HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA 🛐 ….  Read More

HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA🛐HAMASCHIAC SCHOOL, Jss1 YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐 HAMASCHIAC🛐Summer.• Third Term Maths Lesson 13. Area of regular plane shapes such as: squares, rectangles, parallelograms etc.

Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Adaokwu Ihenacho Emenike

Prayer TO HA’HASHEM🛐 ON SCHOOL Lessons 👇 May HA’YHWH🛐 HA’HASHEM🛐BE PRAISED🛐  IN Our WORSHIP 🛐.AndMay HE🛐 In HIS🛐 Infinite Mercy🛐 Remember Us, and Grant us ; both The Teacher and Students Ability  to understand this subjects, as HE🛐 Teaches Us all through Our teacher, In HASHEM 🛐 HA’ADONAI 🛐 SON 🛐 HA’YHWH 🛐 YESHUA 🛐 ….  Read More