YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, JSS3 Christmas/first Term, Agricultural Science, Lesson1, Revision: Animal Disease.
Revision: Animal Disease. Animal disease, is an impairment of the normal state of an animal that interrupts or modifies its vital functions. Concern with diseases that afflict animals dates from their earliest contacts with man and is reflected in early views of …. Read More
YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHAC School, JSS3 Christmas/First Term, Agricultural Science, Lesson 2. Next: Economic Importance of Animal Protein and How Animal Diseases Affect or Tampers with the Health of Man( Part 1). 2021/2022 Academic Year.
Economic Importance of Animal Protein and How Animal Diseases affect or tampers with the health of man. Domestic animals continue to make important contributions to global food supply and, as a result, animal feeds have become an increasingly critical component of the integrated food chain. Livestock products account for about 30 percent …. Read More
YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC School, JSS3 First/Christmas Term, Lesson 3. Packaging in Agricultural Science. 2021/2022.
Packaging in Agricultural Science Packaging in Agriculture: – Criteria for packaging. – Definition and reasons for packaging. – Advantages and disadvantages of packaging. – Examples of packaging (items trays) etc. What Is Packaging Packaging can be defined as putting or parceling agricultural …. Read More
YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC School, JSS3 First/Christmas Term, Agricultural Science, Lesson 4. Branding of Agricultural Items/Products. 2021/2022.
Branding Your Agricultural Products and Services. Branding goes beyond designing a visually appealing logo for your farm business. Your brand becomes your image and a link to your reputation. As farm businesses adopt direct marketing to capture the increasing value consumers place on local businesses and products, the ability to attract and retain …. Read More
YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC School, JSS3 First/ YHWH HAMASCHIAC’S DAY (Christmas) Term, CA/Test Agricultural Science 2021/2022.
CA/Test Agricultural Science 2021/2022. Time 1 hour: 30mins Answer all questions correctly. 1.What do you understand by Animal disease? 2, What is the name of the branch of medicine that deals with study, prevention and treatment of disease in domesticated animals, wild animals and in animals used for scientific research is called________________ …. Read More
YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC School, JSS3 First/ YHWH HAMASCHIAC’S DAY (Christmas) Term Agricultural Science Examination. 2021/2022.
JSS3 Agricultural Science Examination. Time: 1hour:30 mins Answer all questions. 1.What is packaging in Agriculture? 2. What are the necessary criteria to be considered when packaging Agricultural products? 2a.List three advantages and disadvantages of packaging in Agricultural products. 3a.What is branding in Agricultural products/services? 3b. List the four building blocks of …. Read More
YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC School, JSS3 Second/Resurrection Day (Easter)Term Agricultural Science, Lesson 1. Pricing in Agriculture: Introduction 2021/2022 .
Pricing of Agriculture Products: Introduction Lessons in this topic. Pricing: – Definition, Pricing Policies. – Factors affecting price of agricultural product. – Price determinants: Cost of production, quality of produce, etc. Pricing is the process of determining what a farmer/company will receive in exchange for its products. Pricing in agriculture is the …. Read More
YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC School, JSS3 Second/Resurrection Day (Easter)Term Agricultural Science, Lesson 2. Siting of School Farm and Lay out Of Farm Stead: Introduction. 2021/2022 .
Siting of School Farm and Lay out Of Farm Stead: Introduction #School farm Site Location. School farm is a farm set up by a school for the purpose of practical teaching and learning of Agricultural Science and its related subjects/ courses. It can also be established for skills acquisition and entrepreneurship development, or …. Read More
YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC School, JSS3 Second/Resurrection Day (Easter)Term Agricultural Science, Lesson 3. Soil Fertility and Management.2021/2022.
Soil Fertility and Management Soil fertility is the quality of a soil that allow it,(the soil) to provide adequate amounts of nutrients in the proper balance to support plant growth, but without toxic concentrations of any element. It is related to the ability of the soil to support a healthy plant community, …. Read More
YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC School, JSS3 Second/Resurrection Day (Easter)Term Agricultural Science CA Test 1. 2021/2022.
Jss3 Agricultural Science CA Test 1 Time: 2hour 1, Differentiate between “Pricing and Price Discovery in Agriculture.” 2. In price discovery, forces of supply and demand to cannot determine a transaction price. True or false? 3. Define “School Farm?” 3b. Why are they established? 4. When The GREAT RUACH HAKODESH Gave Man …. Read More
YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC School, JSS3 Second/Resurrection Day (Easter)Term Agricultural Science, Lesson 4. Farming and Cropping Systems. 2021/2022.
Farming and Cropping Systems. Farming system is a way of organizing a farming enterprise or business. Farming system includes the farmer, his farm, the types of crops he grows, the livestock he raises and the techniques of his farming operations. Cropping system refers to how the various crops grown by the farmer …. Read More
YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC School, JSS3 Second/Resurrection Day (Easter)Term Agricultural Science, Lesson 5. Farming System.. 2021/2022.
Farming System It is a method of farming system which primarily aimed to cultivating land and raising crops in such a way as to keep the soil alive and healthy by use of various kind of organic wastes such as crop, animal and farm waste, aquatic waste, etc., and other biological …. Read More
YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC School, JSS3 Second/Resurrection Day (Easter)Term Agricultural Science CA Test 2- Assignment. 2021/2022.
Agricultural Science CA Test 2- Assignment. Ministry of Basic Education Examination Board 2018 Basic Education Certificate Examination Attempt all Question You are advised to work completely on your own INSTRUCTION: From the options lettered A-D, choose the word that is correctly used to fill in the blank spaces. Objective Questions …. Read More
YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC School, JSS3 Second/Resurrection Term, Agricultural Science, Lesson 6. Perennial Crops/Types. 2022
Perennial Crops/Types What is perennial crop and types of perennial plants? Perennial crops are crops which completes their life cycle or harvesting time period in more two years after planting. Perennial crops are mainly tree crops. perennial crop, cocoa tree So going into plantation farming, you need a very large space or hectares …. Read More
YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC School, JSS3 Second/Resurrection Day (Easter)Term Mock BECE Examination, Agricultural Science 2021/2022.
Ministry of Basic Education Examination Board 2018 Basic Education Certificate Examination Attempt all Question You are advised to work completely on your own INSTRUCTION: From the options lettered A-D, choose the word that is correctly used to fill in the blank spaces. Objective Questions on Agricultural Science for JSS3 The most important use of …. Read More
HA’YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC School, JSS3 Summer/Third Term Agricultural Science, Lesson 1. Stock Exchange in Agriculture. 2021/2022.
Stock Exchange: Meaning And Importance Of Stock Exchange In Agriculture The word “stock” refers to a collection of shares into a bundle. The capital raised by a company through the issue of shares. Stock are transferred into fractional amount. Share means financial instrument that shows that one owns part of …. Read More