HA’YHWH🛐 YESHUA 🛐HAMASCHIAC🛐 School, PASSOVER,.RESURRECTION/ Second Term ’23SS2 English Language. Punctuation for use in Prose Writing 2024
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, SS2 English Examination, Easter Term 2021.
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, SS2 English Examination, Easter Term 2021. Time: 2hour. Instruction: answer all questions in both sections. Section A What is adjunct in English Grammar? 1b. Write five sentences with adjuncts. Section B Write a well structured English essay, with punctuations, describing the …. Read More
SS2 Christmas Term, Lesson 3, English Language. Grammar: Relative Pronoun.
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School SS2 Christmas Term Examination. English Language.
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School Christmas Term English Language SS2. Note: please read carefully before you attempt any question. Section A (35 marks). Write an essay on “The falling standard of education in Nigeria due to Covid-19 and the Recent “#endsars” Situation.” Section …. Read More
Christmas Term SS2, English Language, Lesson 6. Misleading Statement , Faulty Reasoning In Reading Materials.
Lesson 6. Misleading Statements, Faulty Reasoning, in Read Materials. Misleading statement means giving the wrong idea or impression. For instance; ‘your article contains a number of misleading statements.’ A statement is something that you say or write which gives information in a formal or definite way. E.g Andrew now disowns that statement, saying he was depressed when he made it. …. Read More
SS2 Christmas Term, Ist C.A on English Language.
1st CA English Language SS2 . Christmas Term 1. You are the Chief Speaker in a debate on the topic: “Religious education should be made compulsory in schools”. Write your contribution for or against the proposition ( arguments). 2. List 4 types of Vocabulary and define each of them 3. What is …. Read More
SS2 English, Christmas Term, Lesson 5.Oral Skill Development/ Speaking Vocabulary.
Lesson 5 Oral Skills Development: Speaking Vocabulary / Speaking Vocabulary. Oral vocabulary refers to words that we use in speaking or comprehend in listening. Reading vocabulary refers to words we comprehend or use in print. In the Simple View of Reading, which describes reading as having two basic components — word …. Read More
Easter Term SS2, Lesson 1, English Language. Topic: Vocabulary and Oral Skills Development. Prefixes As Word Extension; Making for New Meaning.
Easter Term SS2 Lesson 1 English Language. Topic: Vocabulary and oral Skills Development. Prefixes as Word Extension Making for New Meaning . What are prefixes. Prefixes are a syllable, or group of syllables, added to the beginning of a word to alter its meaning. In other words; A prefix is a half …. Read More
Easter Term SS2, Lesson 2, English Language . Vocabulary and Oral Skills Development.
In English grammar, an adjunct (pronounced A-junkt) is a word, phrase, or clause—usually, an adverbial—that is integrated within the structure of a sentence or clause (unlike a disjunct) and yet can be omitted without making the sentence ungrammatical. Adjective: adjunctive or adjunctival. Also known as adjunctival, adverbial adjunct, adjunct adverbial, and optional adverbial. Examples and Observations …. Read More
SS2 Easter Term, Lesson 10, English Language. Literacy skills and Reading.
What are literacy skills? Literacy skills help students gain knowledge through reading as well as using media and technology. These skills also help students create knowledge through writing as well as developing media and technology. Information Literacy Students need to be able to work effectively with information, using it at all levels of Bloom’s …. Read More
SS2 Easter Term, Lesson 11, English Language. Composition: Write an Argumentative Essay.
Argumentative Essay In our lesson 7, on argumentative essay, we learnt the following. Below are few of the things we learnt. Definition of Argumentative Essay An argumentative essay is a type of essay that presents arguments on both sides of an issue. It could be that both sides are presented equally balanced, or …. Read More
Easter Term, SS2 English Language, Lesson 12. Literature: Paraphrase Poems. IGECSE
Paraphrasing Poems Definition of paraphrasing Paraphrasing means formulating someone else’s ideas in your own words. To paraphrase a source, you have to rewrite a passage without changing the meaning of the original text. Paraphrasing is an alternative to quoting, where you copy someone’s …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, SS2 English Language C.A. Easter Term, 2021.
English Language. Time: I hour 30 mins. An argumentative essay is a type of essay that presents arguments on both sides of an issue. It could …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School , Jss2, Easter Term 1st CA, English Language .2021.
English Language Instruction. Attempt all questions. Time: 1hr:30mins. Using The Holy Book of Hebrew in The Holy Bible, Write a Persuasive Essay on “How to Persuade a Man to Become a Believer in YHWH, The MOST HIGH GOD. “ bearing in mind that “A persuasive essay …. Read More
SS2 Easter Term Lesson 2, English Language. Vocabulary and Oral Skills Development: Word Modifiers.
A modifier is a word/phrase/clause which modifies other words in a sentence. To be specific, a modifier is either an adjective or an adverb. The adjectives modify the nouns, and the adverbs modify the verbs or the adjectives or the other adverbs. See the details of adjectives and adverbs. Example: Alex bought a chocolate cake yesterday. (Here, …. Read More
SS2 Easter Term Lesson 3, English Language. Grammar ( Structural Pattern):Phrasal Verb.
Topic: Phrasal Verb. Note: the highlighted words in red are proposition, adverbs and Phrasal verbs. Verb: Definition. A verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition. A verb is the part of a sentence that tells us what the subject performs. Verbs are the hearts of English sentences. the …. Read More
SS2 Easter Term, Lesson 4, English Language. Composition: Persuasive Writing/ Essay
Persuasive Essay. What is Persuasive Writing/ Essay ? A persuasive text presents a point of view around topic or theme which is backed by evidence to support it. The purpose of a persuasive text can be varied. Maybe you are intending to influence someones opinion on a specific topic or …. Read More
SS2 Easter Term, Lesson 5, English Language. Comprehension.
Instruction: Read and record the attached comprehension send it to info@hamschiacclassroom.net Read the attached comprehension and answer the under listed questions. Please zoom, if necessary Submit immediately here. Kindly watch the attached video.
SS2 Easter Term, Lesson 5, English Language. Persuasive Writing: Answer on: Persuasive Writing on Why Vegetables are Good For You.
Answer to Lesson 4 Assignment. Persuasive Writing Example on “Why Vegetables are Good For You.” Your mother always said, “eat your vegetables” and she was right – maybe in more ways than she knew. While you don’t have to go all veggie and become a strict vegetarian, one of the …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, Spring/ Third Term,Lesson1, SS2 English Language. Revision of Last Term Work, Vocabulary and oral skill development: To Persuade/ convince. #psersuasive speech.
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, Spring/ Third Term. SS2 English Language. Topic: Revision of Last Term Work, Vocabulary and oral skill development: To Persuade/ convince. #psersuasive speech. Defining a Persuasive Speech Persuasive speeches aim to convince the audience to believe a certain view. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Identify the qualities of a persuasive speech …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, Spring/ Third Term, SS2 Lesson 2, English Language. Essays: Distinctions Between Persuasive and Argumentative essay in Brief. #IGCSCE
Distinctions Persuasive and Argumentative Essay Persuasive Essays A persuasive essay is an essay or a writing that tries to convince the audience of the writer’s idea or opinion. The writer uses sentiment, experience or facts to try to sway the mind of the reader to do or not do …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, Spring/ Third Term, SS2 Lesson 3, English Language. Argumentative Essay. Anselm: Ontological Argument for The Existence Of The MOST HIGH GOD.
Study the Argumentative essay below. Anselm: Ontological Argument for GOD’s Existence- The Case Introduction: The Non-Empirical Nature of the Ontological Arguments It is worth reflecting for a moment on what a remarkable (and beautiful!) undertaking it is to deduce The existence of The MOST HIGH GOD from the very definition of GOD-The HASHEM. Normally, …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, Spring Term SS2. 4th Lesson on Literature/ Comprehension. Literature: Vocabulary Idioms from William Shakespeare’s Work. #IGCSCE.
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, Spring Term SS2. 4th Lesson on Literature/ Comprehension. Literature: Vocabulary Idioms from William Shakespeare’s Work. Vocabulary Idioms From Williams Shakespeare Vocabulary Idioms can be defined as idioms invented by YHWH via Sir William Shakespeare and used in his famous plays via our YHWH YESHUA HAMASCHIAC . These are …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, Spring Term, SS2 English Language, Lesson 5. English Language. IGCSCE Literature/ Comprehension. Vocabulary Idioms from William Shakespeare’s Work. #answers #classactivity.
Lesson 5. Literature/ Comprehension. IGCSCE Lesson Answers to Questions on Class Activity; Vocabulary Idioms from William Shakespeare’s Work. Note: right answers to the questions below are written in orange coloured ink 4. He acted like an idiot, I …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, SS2 Spring Term/ Third Term English Language, Lesson 6. Topic: Speaking/ Writing to Persuade.
Speaking/Writing to Persuade. Topics of Discussion 1. Farmers are More Important than Doctors 2. Women are Better Leaders than Men @Corruption Destroys a Nation. 3. YHWH’s Women are Better Leaders Due to YHWH’s Strength in Them. 4. Clean and Unclean spirits, how real. And what are their effects in a man’s life. The …. Read More
Spring Term/ Third Term English Language, Lesson 7. Vocabulary and Oral Skill Development. Detailed Report Writing.
Vocabulary and Oral Skill Development: Detailed Report Writing. According to Cambridge dictionary definition of the word “detail.” A single piece of information or fact about something. Examples She insisted on telling me every single detail of what they did to her in hospital. We don’t know the full/precise details of the story yet. She refused to disclose/divulge any details about/of the plan. What is a Report? In academia there is some overlap between reports and essays, and the two …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, Spring/ Third Term, SS2 , Lesson 8,English Language. Vocabulary/ Oral Skill Development. Consonants/ Consonant Clusters at Initials.
Vocabulary/ Oral Skill Development. Consonants/ Consonant Clusters at Initials. Five vowels of English Language are a, e, I, o, and u. All the letters of English Language besides vowels are called consonants. When two or three consonants are combined they make …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School Spring/Third Term. English Language. Lesson 9. Letter Writing. IELTS. #generalwriting
Letter Writing – IELTS #generalwriting Succeeding at any exam requires positivity, preparation, and practice! The IELTS General Writing Task 1 measures your ability to communicate about common practical issues. You have 20 minutes to respond to a question prompt, by writing a letter to a person, company, or institution. Your …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC SCHOOL, Spring/ Third Term, SS2 1st Continuous Assessment (CA) Test English Language. Areas of Concentration.
Areas of Concentration. Writing of Persuasive Essay.
YHWH HAMASCHIAC SCHOOL, Spring/ Third Term, SS2 1st Continuous Assessment (CA) Test English Language.
SS2 1st Continuous Assessment (CA) Test English Language. 1. Write a well persuasive essay on “Why You Should Retain Your Virginity Until You are Legally Wedded by a Priest of The MOST HIGH GOD.”
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, SS2 Spring/Third Term English Language, Lesson 10. Report Writing.
Report Writing What is a Report? In academia there is some overlap between reports and essays, and the two words are sometimes used interchangeably, but reports are more likely to be needed for business, scientific and technical subjects, and in the workplace. Whereas an essay presents arguments and reasoning, a …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, SS2 Spring/third Term, English Language, Lesson 11. IELTS Letters Semi Formal and Formal.
IELTS Letters Semi Formal and Formal. Read and practice all the letters below. Note, assignment is attached. You are experiencing financial problems and want to ask your landlord if you can pay your rent late. Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter …. Read More
YHWH HAMASCHIAC School, SS2 Spring/third Term English Language Examination , 2021.
SS2 English Language Examination , 2021. Time: 1hour Answer 1 question in section’ A’ correctly in The GREAT NAME YHWH YESHUA HAMASHIACH ( LORD JESUS CHRIST). 1. You are experiencing financial problems and want to ask your landlord if you can pay your rent late. Write a letter to …. Read More